You're right... he's the best.
I was so lucky to work with Henry Pollard as UIC a couple of time...
Olimpic Qualifier Tournament in Italy 2003 was the first.
Olimpic Test Event in March 2004 in Athens was the second.
Every single word he could tell to you about umpiring is a sort of discovery, every and each time.
No matter if he's talking about something you listened to several times. You listen to him and then... everything seems simple, clear and reasonable, I can say logic ('why don't I think about it this way before?')
Plus, try to imagine that my mothertongue is italian. Sometimes could be hard to understand his (lovely?) Virginian accent, but communication is not only about language and Henry Pollard has got ALL the right skill to communicate - no matter where are you from!
If anybody of you over there ('cross the Ocean) will meet him, say 'hello' from Italy! We've got great memories of this unique UIC!