Thread: Loose ball
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Old Mon May 23, 2005, 07:46pm
mplagrow mplagrow is offline
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Originally posted by lookin2improve
Originally posted by refTN
Assuming A was passing the ball around in A's FC and then the ball got tipped around for a while it doesn't matter if A was trying to save it and they had control when they tried to do so. The ball is considered to be in A's control until a shot is taken or you determined B had control of the ball. So when A touched it and it went backcourt and A was the first to touch it in its own BC it is over and back.

If B was the last to tip it before it went BC it would still be in A's control but not an over and back because B was the last to touch it.

Dadgumit Chuck and JRut beat me every time.

[Edited by refTN on May 23rd, 2005 at 04:37 PM]
I find that most coaches in our area do not know this rule. If you have A in control in their FC, B1 tips the ball then A1 tips the ball just as it goes into BC, and A1 continues into BC to retrieve, you have over and back...and the majority of coaches will come unglued......

I'm curious, anyone else have that experience in their area?
Absolutely! If you want to piss off a coach and a gym full of fans, then make the correct call on that play and award the ball to B. I actually had another ref argue with me on that one. I walked out of the gym as the only one who believed I was right. He looked it up, and the next time we reffed together, he apologized.
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