Couple of things here, luke.
1) The fact that the ball is loose, or deflected during a pass does not end team control. If there was team control before the deflection, then team control continues until the defense controls the ball or until the ball becomes dead.
It is, of course, possible that your scenario started with a throw-in or with a rebound from a try; in either case there would be no team control during the loose ball.
2) The call is strictly a judgment on the official's part as to whether the player saving the ball ever had control. Remember that player control is clearly defined as holding or dribbling a live ball inbounds. If you determine that the player batted the ball without ever holding it, then there is still no team control and no backcourt violation. If you think that the player was able to hold the ball (rest in the hand) for even a moment, then the player had control and a backcourt violation.
This is one of many "had to be there" questions. It's strictly up to the official's judgment as to whether the player ever controlled the ball before sending it to the backcourt.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!