Originally posted by tzme415
Originally posted by tcannizzo
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
. . .I'm working ASA softball and will apply their rules. Talk about asking for a protest, this would qualify.
Why am I confused here?
Rule 1 - Definitions
Interference. Interference is the act of an offensive player or team member, umpire or spectator that impedes, hinders, or confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. Contact is not necessary.
By the spectator calling "FOUL BALL", I have Spectator Interference as in my judgement, that impeded the defensive player in executing her play.
Protest lost. At least according to the book.
I think the confusion is in the wording. In the situation starting this thread the umpires ruled there was in some sense Verbal Obstruction, not Interference. The ASA rules as far as I can tell do not support this. There can be Verbal Interference that prevents a defensive player from making a play, but not Verbal Obstruction that prevents the offensive from running.
Now I am confused by your wording. Are you saying that only an "offensive spectator" can be guilty? How do you determine which type of spectator?
Also, the ASA rule refers to an umpire. Does that mean only an "offensive umpire" can be guilty of umpire interference?
In the words of the great soldier Artie Shaw: "Veddy Interestink!"