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Old Mon May 23, 2005, 10:29am
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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The fact that it was F3 (rather than F1) does not change the fact that the proper call in your situation is that the BR is out for interference -7.09(l).

It would still be interference even if it had been the F2 who was camped under the ball when the BR collided with him.

The language in 7.09(l) which gives the BR an "exemption" from liability for hindering the F2's attempt to field a batted ball

"...When a catcher and batter runner going to first base have contact when the catcher is fielding the ball, there is generally no violation and nothing should be called. ..."

only applies as the batter is initially leaving the box after becoming a runner. Since in your situation the contact happened more than halfway up the 1B line, the BR is not "protected" from an interference call.


(Edited to correct typo.)

[Edited by CoachJM on May 23rd, 2005 at 11:43 AM]
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