Thread: Illegal bat
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Old Fri May 20, 2005, 03:43pm
dario61 dario61 is offline
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Originally posted by AtlUmpSteve
ASA has a specific rule citation (8-7X) saying runners put out when batter is discovered using an illegal bat, if appealed before the next pitch, stay out. The equivalent ISF section (8-9, The Runner is out when does not have this same rule, and it isn't stated in any reference to using an illegal bat that anyone other than the batter is out.

I would say batter is out, and runners return to the last base legally touched at the time of the pitch.
sorry my English it isn't too correct.
also in Italy we want to maintain the out on the runner but on the rule isf it misses the precise statement on this particular case

One Thousand thanks for the precision
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