Got to love the NFHS Case Book (brought it to work to review for playoffs)...
2.16.1 Situation B: B1's bunt rolls up the first-base line where it hits B1's bat that was lying on the ground in fair territory. The ball deflects into foul terriory. Is the ball fair or foul?
Ruling: The ball is foul, provided the bat was not placed there intentionally. The bat is considered to be part of the playing field. (2-5-1, 2-8-1, 8-4-1d)
That's what I was taught, however I don't see the rules being explicit in this case. I was also taught that if the batter makes contact with the ball a second time with the bat while in the batter's box, it's a foul; If one foot is completely outside the batter's box, he's out - regardless of intent. For NFHS at least, I would rule based on intent if the bat were still rolling/moving.
[Edited by Matthew F on May 18th, 2005 at 02:17 PM]