Thread: Did I Do Right?
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Old Tue May 17, 2005, 03:20am
mbyron mbyron is offline
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another one

You didn't see the tag, but it's still your call. Your "call," not your "informed judgment." What if you'd been the only umpire? You'd have made the best of it, right?

I understand your desire to get the call right - that's fine, as far as it goes.

but akalsey is giving you good advice. Make the best call that you can. If you're asked to get help, presumably you won't have a problem since your view was obstructed. I just don't think that's where your call should START.

The other thing to remember is: it sounds as if NOBODY could see this play. You were in position and were on top of the play. Who's going to argue with you?

Sometimes, you just gotta umpire.

And, of course, it's just one call in one game in one season. Of course you want to get it right, but baseball will live even if you miss a banger.
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