"Had 3 games yesterday, 13-15 yo, using LL rules. This is a private league and yes, we get paid. "
Guess what? That wasn't Little League.
LL gets a huge crossection of umpires. By definition, it's the parents obligation to umpire these games. And yes, you get a lot of yahoos. I work LL, and all sorts of youth leagues. LL is far better, as far as education and resources go. The best crew I've ever worked with, outside of D1 umpires, is with a LL district out of LA. These guys were so polished you'd swear they working a game in front of 50,000 fans.
LL is just an easy punching bag for some. Me, I'd never say that most Fed umpires look like hobos. Nope, you'll not catch me saying the only guys who can work 3pm high school games are the jobless, ex-felons and the under employed. That's not right. But boy, since my son has been in high school, I've seen a lot these guys working games lately. But I won't stereotype them, not me.
Now, if you want to talk about softball umpires.......