Thread: opinion, please
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Old Sat May 14, 2005, 07:06pm
LDUB LDUB is offline
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Originally posted by Carbide Keyman
Runner on first. Pitcher throws over. 1B sweep-tags runner hand off bag. I banged runner out. Off. manager is bulls**t, says 1B can't push his player off base. It was just a catch and sweep, no violent intent (my editorial comment).

Did I blow this call?

To answer your question, yes, you blew this very easy call. This is obviously obsturction. Signal obstuction and award R1 second base. This is the rule for FED games, but if the game is an OBR game, use 9.01c to award R1 second base. Everyone knows that MLB wants to change their obsturction rule to the Federation ruling, but the player's union won't let them. I talked to Rick Roder about this just last week, and he verified that I am correct. Just wait a year or two and this will be the official ruling.

Also, why did you not eject the offensive manager? It should be your goal to eject as many people as possible in every single game. My association gives out an award for the official who ejects the most participants each year. It is a very prestigious award, and will help you get many state championship games. Thankfully, with my good game management skills, I won the award last season with 65 ejections durring my 42 game high school season (I didn't win the award for the "summer season" for I was out evaulating umpires in the NCAA DI playoffs). Peter Osbourne has a series of articles on the paid part of the site about ejections, and I suggest you don't take his advice. He does not eject enough people.
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