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Old Sat May 14, 2005, 07:22am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by CoachJM
Bob J.,

I'm still trying to learn the FED rules (actually, the OBR rules, too - I'm just a little "further along" there). You got the "gist" of my comment regarding FED vs. OBR in reference to scyguy's sitch.

But there's still something puzzling to me. As I understand it, under FED rules, "verbal appeals" are "properly constituted" and may occur whether or not the ball is "in play".

So, in your FED #1 response (i.e. the umpire did judge "obstruction") if, after the umpire called "time" and indicated the award of 2B to R1, he would still be properly called out (on appeal) if the defense made a "verbal appeal" of his failure to touch 2B in returning to "retouch" 1B while the ball was "in play" if the verbal appeal was made any time prior to the runner "completing" the award by actually touching 2B.

Is that correct?

No, that's not correct. Baserunning awards must be finished before there can be a dead-ball verbal appeal. See "Appeal Procedures #3"
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