Originally posted by tcannizzo
Agree with Mike except:
4. Favor - although it is hard to imagine players stupid enough to put sunglasses in their pockets while playing.
I don't favor it because the sun occasionally takes a holiday and the glasses need to be removed. I'd rather the player (we are speaking "adults" here) to place them in their pocket, on the bill or around their neck then start and stop the game so they can throw the glasses to the dugout.
9. Not in favor of going back to the old interp of OBS
Not sure what the "present" interpretation is, but I am not in favor of ruling OBS before it happens base on supposition.
11. Favor moisture on hand but not to ball
Actually, the question is absurd. How can you add something to the ball on the condition residue would not be transferred to the ball?
14. Not in favor. Can't see why an umpire needs to get involved with player stats.
You are correct, and I should clarify. I'm in favor of locating the scorekeepers in a neutral area, but not the umpire making a scoring ruling on a play.