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Old Fri May 13, 2005, 08:17am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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You are both probably right. It depends upon who you ask and how well you know them. I have heard both complaints given as a reason for not moving to 3-man or for wanting to go back to 2-man.

Many schools and people state that the extra cost is prohibitive. Of course, they could dislike 3-man for other reasons (it allows older officials to keep doing games), but know that none of those are really strong enough to prevent its implementation, so they hide behind the money issue.
On the other side there are others, who perhaps don't want to admit that something as crass as money is at the root of it, so they say too many fouls are called and the best players don't get enough court time as a result.

My area went through a big battle over 2-man vs. 3-man last season.
It was my experience that many people weren't completely honest when giving their reasons. That makes it difficult to say what is the primary stumbling block to universal implementation of the 3-man system.
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