As an owner of a concealed carry license I have been taught that when carrying you should avoid situations that put you in a high stress situation.
For example, if you've had a crappy day at work and your wife just called your cell and reminded you about the 8 things you said you would do but didnt...don't step into a crowded convience store that could get held up. Odds are you'll not be making great decisions at this point. It would be a bad time to have to decide if you need to pull out a gun or not.
As most would agree, umpiring is a high stress situation. At most keep your legal firearm in your car (if that is legal [know the law]). If you feel the need to carry something, try something non-lethal or turn back assignments at that ball park.
Also, if you're in the middle of a game in a bad neighborhood and you have concerns for your well being, use your cell phone to call the police before the game is over. In most places the field is the best lit area. Stay on the field until the police arrive.
[Edited by moorg on May 11th, 2005 at 11:47 PM]