Thread: balk!
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Old Wed May 11, 2005, 10:27pm
Dave Hensley Dave Hensley is offline
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Posts: 768
Originally posted by tiger49
I balked it because the step was directed at the 2nd baseman more than 2nd. I guess you could say it wasn't a balk to second but a balk to the 2nd baseman.
Professional instruction is that if the pitcher steps more towards the base being thrown or feinted to than any other base, then he has fulfilled the requirement for stepping "directly to" the base. In a feint or throw to 2B, he has a 90 foot window that goes from the midway point between 2B and 3B, to the midway point between 2B and 1B, and if he steps and feints or throws within that window, then he's legal.

Neither FED nor NCAA have a rule or an interpretation that would contradict this professional instruction.
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