I've got a theory as to why arguing is allowed in Baseball/Softball and not in Football and Basketball.
Its entertainment!
Football and Basketball are entertaining enough to the majority of viewers to not require the occassional argument from the coach. What can be more entertaining then a dunk or a trifecta with time running out? Or how about the perfect pass thrown to a covered receiver who breaks it for a long touchdown. These plays are entertaining in and of themselves.
Most of the time in a baseball/softball game is dead time. By dead I mean very little action. The pitcher takes the sign, then delivers the pitch. The batter often doesn't swing. So we have the pitcher and catcher playing toss. Don't get me wrong. This can be entertaining as well, depending on the pitcher. However, must people don't enjoy it as much.
I know I'd prefer to watch football or basketball. When it comes to baseball and softball, I'd rather play or officiate then watch it. Not enough action for most of the game, with the rare exceptions like a 6 run inning like the Braves had the other day.
Gwinnett Umpires Association
Multicounty Softball Association
Multicounty Basketball Officials Association