This is intended for those who have mentored new umpires. I'm currently mentoring a rookie umpire, who has very little background in slow-pitch softball (played it for a couple of years), but has played plenty of baseball. The softball league here scheduled us to work together several nights during the first part of the season. We've already worked 3 nights of league play. I've been doing this for 11 years, already working the Open League (the top league in town), and worked some regional and national level tournaments.
Anyway, to the point. Question(s) I have are: How do you monitor your partner (the one you're mentoring) and still work your game? I try to keep a little bit of an eye on this new umpire so if I notice something that needs work, or can be improved on more, I can give that feedback. I guess what I'm trying to ask far do you stretch it during the game as not to let it affect your work? Working with this guy has become a "pain" and did affect my work last night. Any input/advice, etc. welcome. I won't be offended by anything, as I'm going a little nuts over this situation.