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Old Sat May 07, 2005, 01:21am
MrRabbit MrRabbit is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 123
Thumbs down D3K

After bouncing this off a few of my fellow umpires, it comes down to this... The only way you can have any call but live ball play on is if the batter runner goes out of their way to kick the ball into the beachers.

The pitcher throws a bad pitch and the catcher in her attempt to stop the ball fails to lay a glove on it and now the ball hits the umpire and brounces out to hit the batter runner, if you call this interference, I'll tell you as the coach for the defense thank you for the freebie.

Same call if the ball hits the catcher and brounces out and hits the batter runner. She had her chance.

What about a D3K that goes to the back stop on a small area between the foul lines and the back stop with out being touched brounces back and hits the batter runner. I have seen it.

Live ball play on.

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