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Old Wed Apr 20, 2005, 03:07pm
mick mick is offline
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Thumbs up Thank you!

Originally posted by agmattbballref
Forgive my tardiness on chiming in here, but I have been away with military obligations...(this Army thing always interferes with my, ...


I hear a TO request from behind me. I am almost certain it was the head coach, since I have heard her for most of the game...nothing despariging, but let's just say she had a good set of lungs, and a distinctive voice. However, because I could not see her I did not grant the TO, and almost immediately after the requesst was granted....

First of all, I thank you for doing that "Army thing".
Welcome home!

It seems you did not grant the time-out.

Keep in mind that you do not have to visually recognize the coach. A recognizable voice is sufficient.

Now, in your case, if I hear the request while the point guard has the ball, then turn to recognize the coach, then I will blow the whistle as I am turning back toward the ["Aw, shucks the ball is gone !!!?!."].

Then, however, I may have to tell the other coach that I had recognized the request "while their team still had the ball".

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