Gordon, I agree with you regarding YOUR actions (and mine) as BU. I admit it's conceivable that there might eventually be an instance where I ask for help. It would likely have to be more drastic than the actual sitch posted here (I got hit by a ball, dirt in the eye, broke my leg pivoting, I don't know... something along those lines).
But if this did happen to me as PU, my attitude toward the competence or effort-level of my BU should not come into play. If he asks me what I saw, I tell him. Better or worse, we are partners, if only for this game. Leaving him out to dry, even if it's his fault he's blowing in the wind, is completely unprofessional.
Edited to add: If I was straightlined through my own poor mechanics or bad judgement, I'd likely simply take the heat on my own without hauling partner into it (unless partner seemed to be trying to get my attention).
[Edited by mcrowder on Apr 20th, 2005 at 11:20 AM]