Steve M handled the second part of your question, but I did not see a response to this part:
Originally posted by mrm21711
I wanna make sure im correct.....
DP Smith Batting in 3'rd spot.
FLEX Jones.
Coach asks that DP Smith plays defense and FLEX Jones bats in DP spot. Not allowed, correct? Unallowed Sub?
With the information provided, there is not a clear cut answer. I'll try to address it.
If the team is on defense, DP Smith and FLEX Jones may both be on the field at the same time. Here is how I remember this. When the DP/FLEX is used the team is playing with 9 batters and 10 defensive players. The 10th defensive player (usually the DP) is playing a defensive position called "bench". A coach has the option of moving defensive players around as much as s/he wants. For example, FLEX Jones is playing right field (F9), Coach decides that he wants DP Smith to play second base (F4) and F4 Brown to play "bench". This is a defensive change and no players have left the game. If DP Smith goes in to play F9 for FLEX Jones, and Jones goes to "bench", Jones has left the game and must use the re-entry if inserted back into the game.
If the team is on offense, FLEX Jones may bat for DP Smith. At this point DP Smith has left the game and must use the re-entry if inserted back into the game.
So the substitution that you asked about would be allowed subject to the information that I related.