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Old Wed Jul 18, 2001, 05:27am
Bfair Bfair is offline
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Posts: 813
First, Ed, you say you are PU. That provides YOU final say on RULE INTERPRETATION---not judgement calls unless he was assigned as a crew chief.

I would have recommended here that after the pard had wrong interpretation, you approach him to advise him of your thoughts. Keep in mind, it may not be interpretation. He may have felt that runner did not score before the last putout to end the inning---thus a judgement call vs. a rule interpretation. (In any event, the timing of runner scoring AND the rule interp on whether run scores should both have been YOUR call as PU in the actual play. He poached YOUR call.)

If it is interpretation vs. judgement, and you feel absolutely certain of your interpretation being correct, make the correct interpretation and score the run. You have the right and duty. Despite the score, the credibility of you and your crew are at stake. You may have either of these teams in future where you need that credibility (versus them remembering you and this blown call). The score of your game should have no bearing in whether you make a correct or incorrect rule interpretation. I will agree in a lopsided contest that most tend to give the underdog the benefit of any doubt regarding judgement calls. That is common to do. Even being a Big Dog pard, you have shown him you got the call right. He can't hold it against you for getting it right (provided you do it discreetly), and he'll not want to mention it to anyone since it would have been HIS blown interpretation. You certainly are at risk that if you make the wrong interpretation and override him it will hang on you for a long, long time politically.

If you have ANY doubt as to the correct rule interp, go with the Big Dog. He can take the heat on a blown interp within your organization. As a little dog, if you make the wrong interp (especially if you legally override a big dog in doing so) it will stick to you for a long time and cause you grief. If you are not certain and tell him what you think (and you are right) yet stick with his interp, you will show your knowledge AND your willingness to let the Big Dog be the Big Dog---acceptance of his position and authority.

Just my opinion,

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