Originally posted by brianp134
Originally posted by tomegun
Originally posted by SamIAm
I 'll do a Saturday full of 8&under games before I do one adult game.
If your goal is to move up I don't understand this mentality. If I'm not busy and physically able there aren't many games I'm going to turn down. I don't know what your experience level is but I've been doing this for a while and I still want to see plays.
I have to agree with you. My belief is that you have to work harder managing an adult game than a 8yr old game.
Which makes it a good place to learn to manage people. If you can manage a bunch of out of shape, past their prime, ego-maniacal jerks, you can manage just about anyone. I actually took on a regular men's league assignment this year. It turned out to be a very good thing for my development.