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Old Thu Apr 14, 2005, 01:54pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by tmp44

Ok so Bob just so I think I understand everything here, and correct me if I'm wrong. A1 goes up for a layup, gets hacked from behind by B1, and then PCs into B2. We have a false double foul, A1 gets 2 shots, and Team B gets ball OOB, with either baseline running or not depending on the result of the second foul shot. In addition, both A1 and B1 get personals, and Team A and Team B each get a Team Foul.

Let me further change the sitch for a second. A1 is driving but is fouled before the shot by B1 (no bonus), takes one step, and then PCs into B2. The way I see it there are 3 possible solutions here, and I have no clue which one is correct so help...

1) Team A gets ball OOB b/c of foul on B1.
2) Team B gets ball OOB b/c of PC on A1.
3) AP--go w/ the arrow.
In this situation, the ball became dead on B1's foul. A1's foul is ignored unless it's intentional or flagrant (and, since you "called" it a PC, it can't be either of those). Go with option 1, and no foul on A1.

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