Thread: 3-man
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Old Wed Apr 13, 2005, 10:59am
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Originally posted by scyguy
in all fairness, the questions I asked about the 2-man dealt with the problems I encountered with the manual. They were different from what I was taught and used. I was trying to get feedback on some of the differences.

I did not just fall off the turnip truck. I use this forum to double and triple check information with some of the greatest minds. In my area we have no feedback, no association, no communication. Do I ask some stupid questions that later I think, "I knew that"? Sure, but who is harmed? I verify my thoughts, get constructive feedback, and noone is hurt by it.

You think I am in my first year, fine. If you don't want to give constructive advice, fine. You, too, use this forum to better educated yourself. You take time out of your busy day to share your knowledge. I am grateful for people like you.

Let me ask you OZ, do you work 3-man often? If so, you are fortunate. This means you work in an area that pays for 3 umpires. Here, it does not happen often. Sat we are taking the pay for three 2-man games to work four three-man games(I don't know if that make sense).

Bottom line, I know who I am. I know that I am good. I know that I need to continue to learn. If I look like a moron on this forum, so be it.
Sorry, but through the magic of data communications, I can only conclude with what I read. I did say "with all respect" so I did not mean any malace. I made no accusations, just observations so let's leave it at that.

I did state that 3 man is one of the most difficult crews to work on and Bob Jenkins backed that up. His advice is simple, do the plate, watch your crew and go to the spot where the umpre is not!

I don't care if you have 1 year or 30 years in this business, if you've never worked a 3 man crew before, you're asking for trouble. Now let me add that even those of us who occasionally work 3 man, we try to always work with the same people. If not we get to the game site at least a hour early to go over everything. It is not as easy as it looks.
Not convinced, here's one for you. No one on, no outs. B1 rips a hot liner to left center field. U3 buys a ticket to the game and watches the action. U2 is waiting for B1 at 1st as he should. F8 muffs the ball on the ground and B1 thinks 2. U3 is still in La-La land. I'm the UIC and I'm already heading toward 2nd. I know U3 has a bad knee so he's never going to make it. I make the call on a whacker and get the out. We got lucky!

Sorry if you took me the wrong way but then I tell it the way I see it. Find another umpire and work a 4 man crew - it's safer.

Edited after reading scyguy's last post

Okay, you've done this before and you do Legion. That means you must have something on the ball. You came here for advise and with what you brought, I gave to you what I would give to anyone personally. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you. By the way, U3 that screwed up our rotation was a 30 year member of our HS board and an ex-Minor League umpire. We worked 3 man many times together - he just messed up one time and it almost spelled disaster.
Let us know how it all turns out.

[Edited by ozzy6900 on Apr 13th, 2005 at 12:06 PM]
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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