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Old Mon Apr 11, 2005, 08:58pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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It even applies to what you may be calling a bad call, Juulie.

First shot of the game. Ref indicates a 2. After 2-3 minutes up and down the floor with no dead ball the ref realized that the 3 point line in use is the blue one, not the red one, and it should be a 3. Correctable. Fix the score, continue from POI. After the time window, it becomes uncorrectable.

Ref thought it was a three, signaled a three, scorer entered a three. A bit later, before the time window has expired, there is a timeout. The two refs confer and realize that it should have been a saw a foot on the line but didn't realize the other counted it as a three. Correctable. Fix the score, continue from POI. After the time window, it becomes uncorrectable.

Ref thought it was a three, signaled a three, scorer entered a two. Not "correctable" but fixable...anytime up to the final score is approved.
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