Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
I'm unable to find such a rule anywhere but in NFHS rules. So in OBR games, like for a 12 and under league where the coaches are mostly unknowing and there is no specific rule, perhaps one could consider it a minor error and restrict him to the dugout.
You can't restrict people to the dugout in OBR.
At the risk of stirring up some serious doody here: actually, yes, you can - see 9.01b, again.
In little-boy ball it is sometimes handy/ appreciated if you do this, since there may be only one league-sanctioned "adult" in attendance, and tossing them means a forfeit. Don't want to penalise the kids if Daddy's an idiot: restrict him, tell him if'n there's another rude peep out of him it WILL be an EJ and a forfeit, let the little guys play.
Now, it sometimes happens that the fool you are trying to do a favor for is too stoopid to accept your generosity: if you restrict someone in an ORB-based game, and they object because there is no explicit rule for it, like there is in FED ball - why, oblige them and make it an ejection.
While there is no rule-based reason not to, I'd seldom recomend doing this for HS-age kids or coaches in an ORB-based league.