Here is Wisconsin's Rating descriptors and classification protocol for registered officials: (Note: You must have a Master or L5 level rating to be considered for post season state tournament selection.)
RATING CRITERIA LEVELS (Ratings done by coaches & assignors/conference commissioners)
1- Would not hire this official.
2- This official needs improvement.
3- Would hire this official for a regular season game.
4- Would hire this official for a regional tournament.
5- Would hire this official for a sectional tournament.
6- Clearly among the best, would hire this official for a state tournament.
All ratings are totaled, one high & one low rating dropped, total averaged to provide official's rating.
Officials may advance one level in classification each year if all requirements for the next level are met.
L1 - Attend sports meeting, write Part I exam.
L2 - Attend sports meeting, score 70% on Part I exam, reapply by June deadline.
L3 - Attend sports meeting, score 75% on Part I exam, reapply by June deadline.
L4 - Attend sports meeting, score 80% on Part I exam, reapply by June deadline.
L5 - Attend sports meeting, score 85% on Part I exam, provide schedule of varsity games worked during current season, reapply by June deadline. (Basketball - 8 varsity games)
MASTER - Attend sports meeting, score 90% on Part I and Part II exam (if applicable), provide schedule of varsity games worked during current season, reapply by June deadline. (Basketball - 16 varsity games)
1. Officials may advance one level in classification each year if all requirements for the next level are met.
Note: L1, L2 and L3 officials will be allowed to advance two levels in classification per sport, per year, when credited for attending a WIAA approved officiating clinic provided they meet all the criteria for the new level (maximum one clinic per sport/year). Note: Clinic attendance
does not eliminate the sports meeting attendance requirement. L4, L5 and Master officials attending a WIAA approved clinic or conducting a WIAA approved clinic will be given credit for one varsity contest on their Schedule of Games.
2. Officials will maintain their current classification level for any of the following reasons (will not advance):
a. Miss the deadline for reapplying for a license. A late fee of $10 will be assessed.
b. Miss the deadline for submitting Part I or Part II (if applicable) exam.
c. Did not achieve the required exam score for the next level, but did achieve the necessary score to maintain their current level.
d. Did not have the required number of contests for the next level, but did have the required number of contests to maintain their current level.
e. Submitted their Classification Request and Schedule form late, but did achieve the necessary number of contests to maintain their current level.
3. Officials will drop in classification for any of the following reasons:
a. Did not attend a sports meeting in the sport(s) in which he/she is licensed.
b. Did not submit Part I or Part II (if applicable) exam.
c. Did not work the required number of contests for the L5 or Master classification level.
d. A Master official did not achieve the required Part I and Part II (if applicable) exam score and/or did not have the required number of varsity contests for the Master level.
e. Repetitive violation of requirements listed in No. 2.
Hope this info helps!
[Edited by imaref on Apr 10th, 2005 at 10:25 AM]
"All our calls are good calls...."
"...Some of them are better than others!"