Sat Apr 09, 2005, 09:00pm
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: North Carolina
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Originally posted by PatF
12U level of play. One of the coaches leaves the dugout and goes outside the fence. He stands behind the plate umpire. Coach does not make any comments to the umpire about pitch location. Plate umpire never even knew the coach was there. Coach comes back into the dugout a short while later. Between innings the base umpire informs the manager if the coach leaves the field again, he will not be allowed back in the dugout.
This same coach did the same thing to me in a game earlier in the week. I noticed him there and I was expecting him to make some sort of comment about pitch location. He never made any comments that I could hear and he never said anything to me, so I did not address it with the manager.
Manager from the team approaches me after the game asking for rules reference, why can't coach do that, etc., etc.
I tell him it's not allowed by rule. I'm thinking of 3.09 and 3.17, but I don't quote rule or reference to him. I just tried to explain that all players and coaches must remain in the field of play during the game. I also told him when I see a coach behind me, there is only reason I expect he is there... he doesn't like my strike zone and he is there to check it out. Manager tells me they are just trying to see where the catcher is setting up to receive the pitches. (interpretation... it looks like a strike from the dugout) I told him he could ask me and I would be happy to let him know where his catcher was located.
Regardless of his explanation of catcher location... the basic reason for having the coach go outside the fence is the same. They don't believe the strike zone.
My questions...
1) Do you allow a coach to leave the field to check out your strike zone?
2) How do you handle it?
3) What rules reference or explanation do you give to the manager?
I don't think a coach could get behind me without me knowing it, unless is in a sky box or something. And I would not allow it.