We did kind of drive through the ditch on this one. Thanks, Dakota, for trying to put us back on the road.
I think in the future, I will "add the steps" from the 1st OBS when determining where, in my JUDGEMENT

, the runner would have gotten to in the 2nd/3rd OBS.
Here's the kicker. This sitch happened again this week on Tuesday. Nearly identical (the OBS at 1st was more dramatic, and there was no SS in the way this time). On this one, though, runner stopped at 2nd. I gave her 3rd, but at least in my mind I tried to envision what would have happened during the 2nd OBS, had the 1st OBS occurred. In this case, I couldn't envision home, even with both OBS's removed.
(PS - I agree with Dakota's opinion that there are problems with the current ASA interp telling us to decide at the time of OBS and not include subsequent actions ... but I do understand their reasoning, and call it the way we're told)