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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 06, 2005, 02:03pm
Posts: n/a
Nzumpire, very nicely said. The key word here is judgment. You have the rule that says in you judgment. My judgment may be different from yours, but I think in a game all of us will do what we think is fair within the frame work of the rules and using our judgment. I think the worst officials I have seen are the ones that know the rules but don’t know the intent of the rule. And as Dakota said it is a shame that we can’t have an open discussion without getting personal just because someone may disagree or have a different view point. I come to these boards to discuss and learn and grow as an umpire. In officiating when you think you know it all it is time to quit, because you will never improve, and we all have room to improve. As the saying goes. “When your green you grow, when your ripe you rot.”
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