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Old Wed Apr 06, 2005, 07:43am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by SMEngmann
I am a coach and a basketball official. I am unclear about an apparent rules difference between the NFHS and the NCAA regarding legal action from the windup. My pitcher was called for an illegal pitch because he engaged the rubber with his hands seperate and then he brought his hands together snd paused and was called for an illegal pitch and charged with a ball. Is this ruling correct, and if so, what is the rule reference. I know NCAA Rule 9-1 (a, 1, c) states that it is legal in college, and I don't see any conceivable reason why the rule prohibiting this in HS should exist. Am I missing something?
In FED, the time of the pitch from the wind-up includes moving both hands simultaneously (see 2-28-3(b) and 2.28.cC). Your pitcher did that, then stopped. It's an illegal pitch.

If your pitcher wants to adjust the ball, have him start with one hand (usually the glove hand) in front, then bring the other hand up and adjust the ball, then start the pitch.
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