I have to make a retraction of sorts...........Lauren's team did NOT come in 5th at the State tournament of 67 teams. They came in 6th with a field of 70 teams.......NEVER trust daughters to give good information.......
I spoke with one of her coaches last night and he said before he left the TD gave them the 6th place slot because they lost about 10 minutes ahead of the other team that dropped at the same time in their bracket.......
At every tournament I have ever coached at, umpired at, been a spectator at, etc.......... It is known that in double elimination, you can quantify 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.....5th is a tie, as is 7th on down the line.......
I have never seen a TD decide places based on the time of day one team finished over another........
I know that if a tie has implications that make a difference for advancement........sometimes a coinflip or some other system is implemented to decide that......but the top 8 (I think) qualified for Regionals.......just a question........