Originally posted by kylejt
Oh brother.
If you're worried about the thickness of your chest protector, and if it makes look big, or not, try football.
Those vertical stripes are very slimming.
Wear good gear. Don't get hurt. Me, I dig looking like RoboCop.
I have to agree about the "look".. No one will think the less of you for that linebacker look when you are behind the plate. Not breaking a bone is more important to me. Depending on the grade/age you are calling, my first year calling 3rd-5th grades, I used what turned out to be a female softball catchers chest protector. It had plastic shoulder pads and cut across the belly, like a normal baseball protetor. It was good enough for that level.
DG those shin guards are called soccer shin guards 8-) You know little things that slide into your socks. Also if bulk is a problem, definetly skip using a cup.