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Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 01:12pm
socalreff socalreff is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 314
I'm glad that most of you don't realize what a pleasure it is to do a good women's college game. More games for us. I have done plenty of men's games too, so I have perspective on both sides. Some things that are different: for the most part, women just play the game. They don't waste time complaining about calls. They don't waste time talking trash to their opponents or trying to show how macho they are. Sure they don't play above the rim, but they play the right way. They still know how to shoot a 16 footer. Make a bounce pass. I'm not talking about a lower high school level, but good collegiate players. I just have more fun doing a good women's game.
"Never mistake activity for achievement."
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