Thread: I need help...
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Old Wed Mar 30, 2005, 06:18pm
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Originally posted by agmattbballref
I don't think I paid any dues for this forum. I have received tons of valuable information on this board. It has helped me with different play situations and rules interpretations.

It has also helped me with my typing and spelling, thanks to some of the grammar guys.

As far as helping you get to where you want to be, the best advice I can give you is to work with someone in your association that is already there or has some connections. A lot of that is based on geographic location and who you know.

If you don't think the site was worth it to you, then I think you answered your own question...

I only meant the membership dues I you mean anyone can enter this site and post, without being a paying membership... Perhaps, you did not read my post carefully enough, but I did say that I do find the site entertaining, but I was looking for a scorecard so I knew which ones to take seriously...and you are obviously not the one to provide that info...but thanks for the reply just the same. You see I still don't even know how to reply those who try to be a smart alex when I am trying to ask a serious qquestion????
This forum is free. There is a paid section ( where you have to be a paid member to read articles.

One other poster said it best -- if you want advice, opinions, etc. from the people that post here, you have to participate, too.
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