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Old Sat Mar 26, 2005, 11:03pm
PS2Man PS2Man is offline
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Posts: 235
Originally posted by rockyroad
Good question Juulie...don't know who's livid - but I do know that JRut's trying to change his comments mid-stream again. I never said that there were no politics involved in NCAA Women's Officiating (and Juulie, who knows me personally, can attest to the fact that I have discussed that very issue at camps before)...however, Mr. Rutledge made a statement that there was MORE politics on the Women's side - I disagreed with that, he tried to change what he said, I called him on that, and now his buddy PS2 jumps in to say someone is livid...ib the immortal words of Jurassic - "Lah me!"
I said you were acting livid based on your reaction to what is really not a big deal. It seems like you do not want an opposite opinion to what you believe being shared here. JRut gave an opinion. That is all. If you do not like those opinions then coming to a place like this is going to cause you a lot of problems. You sound like a softball umpire that tries to convince everyone that working softball is better than working baseball. It is a hollow argument just like your debate here is.
Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
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