Thread: Uhhmmm....
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Old Sat Mar 26, 2005, 10:55pm
IBHookin43 IBHookin43 is offline
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Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by blindzebra
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by blindzebra
Originally posted by Jimgolf
The number of steps taken is irrelevant,

The key is which foot is the pivot foot when the dribble ends. ...
He landed right-left, not left-right-left. It was VERY close, but both feet were off the floor when he gathered...Tivo is a wonderful thing...
I've looked at it a number of times. One could argue that he ended the dribble with his left foot on the floor, stepped right, stepped left. That's traveling.

CBS even analyzed again today, pointed out that he took two steps after gathering the ball but said that wasn't traveling.
Like I said it was close. Too close to call it in that situation, especially when you have the defender and the dribbler between you and the ball and it should be trail's call any way. Trail was looking right at it and passed.
Since I haven't made a comment on this play yet, I'll chime in now. All of the above comments are excellent. I have the game on video tape and have watched the play in slow-motion several times.
I believe that the left foot was still on the floor when the dribble ended. That makes it the pivot foot when the right foot touches in a step. The Villanova player now stepped with his right foot and then his left before going up to shoot. That's a travel and I say that the official got it right.

I also agree that it was super close. Afterall, I had a difficult time making the determination in super slow-mo! In live action, from the Lead, with players in front of me, I doubt that I make that call.
I feel that the official called it based upon the awkwardness of how the play looked. It just happened too fast for me to believe otherwise.
As it has been mentioned previously, the replay angle does not show the left hand to enable an accurate determination of when the dribble was terminated with respect to the left foot placement on the floor. Has someone seen a different replay angle that shows the left hand? If not, it does not appear that the right hand palm is facing up during the time that the left foot is in contact with the floor indicating a one handed termination of the dribble. Therefore, the only way for the dribble to become terminated would be the placement of the second hand on the ball. Is this not correct? (The possible exception being holding the ball to the body with one hand, which I don't think occurred.)

When I stop the replay at the exact position of the left foot coming off the floor, it does not appear (conclusively) that both hands are in contact with the ball.

Bottom line...without unobstructive view of left hand...too close to call, IMO.

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