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Old Fri Mar 25, 2005, 11:19am
Rick KY Rick KY is offline
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Newport, KY
Posts: 176
Roaming Ump's response brings up a good point. If this crew was doing their job correctly, the clock would have stopped sooner, thus giving A's coaches a chance to make more appropriate substitutions under the circumstances. Is this a correctable error? If so, then I agree with letting A3 back in the game. The late measurement is an error on the part of the officials that cost A in this case. The L and LJ should have been more aware of down and distance and the need to stop clock for measurment or to move the chains.

The other side of that presents similar issues. What would have happened here had A sent out the punt unit? Would you let them bring them all back off again?
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