Thread: never again
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Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 03:28pm
Chess Ref Chess Ref is offline
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never again

I just started softball after ending basketball this month. I am astonished and amazed at the difference in the fans, player, and coaches. Basketball people are neanderthals. When coaches in SB have a question, they politely ask you for a ruling or ask you to ask for help-rather than questioning me and my sexual orientation, my family tree, etc. . I will do basketball again but softball is so much more pleasant and enjoyable. And yes I have worked a game with the village idiot and all he did was ask for my INTERP on a call I made against his team. In comparsion in basketball I have been locked out of locker room so all the parents could come by and take a shot a verbal shot at us while we waited for the losing coach to let us back in.
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