Wed Jun 27, 2001, 03:03pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
I hear that.
Originally posted by Steve M
That is the rule for Fed games, but not so for ASA. I think - and know that I have absolutely no legal knowledge -that by making a statement as to whether you would or would not allow a player who'd been injured to re-enter, you're taking on some responsibility that isn't yours to take. For adult ball, let them figger it out, for kids' ball, let the coaches handle it. You might, from a rules standpoint, even be opening yourself up to a protest by not allowing a legal team member to come back into the game. On a personal note, I think I prefer Fed's requirement. But, we don't make da rules, we just make sure they're followed.
Steve M
I still want a note.
I'll let 'em protest.
It remains a game.