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Old Sun Mar 13, 2005, 12:06pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally posted by jonwill57
Has anyone every witnesses an official take out his personal dislike for a team, player or coach with his whistle? I watched it happen two weeks ago. Without going into the grizzley details, has anyone ever witnessed it or worked with a partner who did it?
BTW - in Illinois, the IHSA assigned one crew to work the three regional games being played at the same sight (Tues., Wed., & championship on Fri.). Bad move because anymosity that arised on day one was certain to remembered on day 3!
I have never seen that happen. Not to say it has never happen, but I can never say I have actually witnessed an official hold that grudge where they call things purposely against. Now I have coaches not like certain officials and make that opinion known.

I also have no problem with what the IHSA does. I worked this year a Class A and Class AA Boy's Regional and I worked at one site for each regional. I would have hated to have to go to different cites each of those nights. Different traffic concerns each night. Different parking issues each night. Different administration to deal with each night. I would rather work at one site with the same officials. Regionals are also assigned based on where people live, so there are not always officials that would be able to go all over the place as you suggest. I think I was only about 20 miles away from my regional site and fortunately did not see any of the teams this season. That is something the state cannot guarantee anyway. The state does not know who everyone has seen or not seen. So I could have a tough game during the regular season with a team and see that team in the playoffs. Who says I would not hold a grudge when I see the team in the playoffs?

No matter what you do, someone is going to find something to complain about. I think that both coaches and officials need to turn the page. Assigning different officials to each game is not going to guarantee that animosity between officials and coaches will not exist. Many officials work around 30+ games and see teams multiple times between Thanksgiving and X-mas tournaments, shootouts, and regular season games. I know if I was sent to certain regionals in my area I would have seen some of the teams 3 times this year at least by their first regional playoff game. You are never going to satisfy everyone with who works these games. When I watch the D1 conference tournaments, some of the same officials are seen multiple times. You are not going to avoid every conflict in every game. If the coaches do not want something to carry over, do not act like an a@@ in the first game.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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