Tue Jun 26, 2001, 12:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Just north of hell
Posts: 9,250
Originally posted by rainmaker
You might have to read parts of this out loud to get it.
This coach tonight didn't like me right to begin with -- my partner says he doesn't like anyone. His way of being offensive was to repeat the same thing over and over with exaggerated diction, like this: "Aaahhheeee wwaanntttt the fffoowwooooolll" "Duuhhble DDrrriiibblle" It was extremely annoying, but I couldn't quite throw a T, either (which made it even more annoying). He says, "Why didn't you call that double dribble?" "Coach, the opponent touched it." "Double Dribble, Double Dribble." "Coach if the opponent touches the ball, the guy gets a new dribble" "Double Dribble, Double Dribble" oh, forget it....
So later, he signals for a time out. As I walk to the table, the coach comes over and says, (as above), "I want that foul called". "I heard you,coach, do you want a full or a 30?" "AAHHEEE wwwaaannnnttt the fffoowwoooolll" The assistant was signalling a 30, but I quickly turned to the table and said, "Okay, its a full."
Funny thing is, I didn't get one more complaint the rest of the evening. I can't quite figure out why not, I wasn't exactly respectful!!
PS I'll be gone the rest of the week at camp in Cheney Washington, and then here at Portland State over the weekend. I loved basketball camp last year, and this is going to be a blast. See you in the funnypapers!!
OK, I'm sitting here at work reading this out loud & now
there's a crowd of people looking at me funny. BTW,
the all have the same question as Mick.
BTW, funny story.