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Old Fri Mar 11, 2005, 12:08pm
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
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Originally posted by WindyCityRef
I coach grammer school and high school girls, and ref:

First 8th grade girls playoff game day after the annual rules interpretation meeting for all the high school refs in the area, one guy T's up one of my players for running out of bounds along the baseline. I saw a ton of players run out of bounds during the rest of the high school season but I never saw another T administered for it.
This season I did numerous games (mostly high school) both boys and girls with different partners with various degrees of experience. This Tee was never called in any of my games nor am I aware of any officials that called it this season. I thought about calling it one time when a player ran out of bounds under the basket along the end line to the other side of the court. Since it had no effect on the play (never got the ball, set a pick etc.) I passed on it. Yet I know there are officials out there that will call it whenever they see it happen. Incidently what I described above rarely happens at least in the games that I have worked.
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