Originally posted by Warrenkicker
It would clarify things under NF rules to say that after a legal kick it is illegal to attempt a forward pass and vice versa.
That would require an
EXCEPTION, a word rarely used in NFHS codes.
Unlike the NCAA, the NFHS mindset is
NOT to write an exception anytime a waterbucket type play (such as this one for example) occurs and some coach, AD, or school feels it needs fixing.
I'm not saying the NCAA mindset is wrong, but on this issue,
the two codes have two distinct schools of thought.
The results are obvious, the NCAA rules have so many exceptions they can't be counted without the use of a adding machine, while the NFHS rules utilize but a small handful of exceptions.
[Edited by KWH on Mar 10th, 2005 at 01:38 PM]