Originally posted by Mark Padgett
There was some offensive hooking going on near my house. There was a lot of "reaches" and "over the backs" going on. Somebody called the police and they told the offender to move to a different corner.
I don't think the signal for that is an approved mechanic...
I've always been taught to stick to the "approved" mechanics only, whether H.S. or college. It looks better if everyone is on the same page, using the same signals. That said, if we need to communicate more info after the fact, we could do that. So, in this instance, the PC signal is the only one to give, both at the spot and at the table. Now, if the coach has a strange look on his face (and what coach doesn't
), you could give more info by explaining it to him when convenient, or by giving him the hooking signal if you can't get to him.