Mon Mar 07, 2005, 04:10pm
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 5,030
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by FrankHtown
I was trying to find out if there is a distinction between an air horn, for example, and an item that takes effort to make a sound.
No, there isn't.
Lunch trays, cans with coins, cans with rocks, megaphones (except when used properly by cheerleaders), thundersticks, air horns, whistles, whoopee cushions, band instruments, high-tech scoreboards, recorded music, live music, plastic horns, Mattel See-and-Say (tm), ... All are illegal.
I don't know, if a school was able to have live music, not the band, perform. I might let them play one song to see if they are any good -- then show them the door!