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Old Sat Jun 23, 2001, 09:32pm
Ump20 Ump20 is offline
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Originally posted by Gre144
I think I blew another call with R1 stealing to second. Any suggestions on how to get it right when there is a close play at second on a steal from first base? (Should I get down on one knee,or should I have my knees bent with my hands on them? Should I look at where the tag is or just call it how I see it? If its a close play and I'm am not sure myself, should I call him out or safe?)

[Edited by Gre144 on Jun 23rd, 2001 at 10:43 AM]
You may need to do a better job "selling" your calls. If the throw beats the runner (people are expecting an out call) and the runner is clearly under the tag add something like "Safe, he's under the tag". Avoid the temptation to be too close to first base for the possible pick-off and as Jim Porter advises let the throw take you into the play. The closer the play -- the slower the call as you develop the picture.
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