Originally posted by Dakota
What you are saying is that 7-2-C-4 comes into play immediately and silently upon the first pitch to B5 and makes B5 legal by merely skipping B4.
I see your point. 7-2-C-4 does not begin with "if the error is discovered" as do 1, 2, and 3. So, it just goes into effect.
My eyes hurt!
The first pitch to B3 means that the defense cannot appeal B4 for batting out of order. The first pitch to B5 means the defense cannot appeal B3 batting after B4. The moment B3 becomes legal, you look for the next legal batter. Since B4 is now legally on base, that batter is skipped and you go to the next batter in the order which is B5.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.