Codewords...lessee what this codeword stuff is all about
Main Entry: thug
Pronunciation: 'th&g
Function: noun
Etymology: Hindi thag, literally, thief
: a brutal ruffian or assassin : syn GANGSTER, KILLER
Hindi...what's that about...
Hindi is the language spoken by roughly 180 million people in India today, it is a direct descendant of Sanskrit through Prakrit and Apabhramsha and became stable in it's own right in the 10th century. It is called Urdu in Pakistan, where roughly 41 million people speak it. About 300 million people speak it as a second language. This adds up to well over half a billion humans speaking Hindi, primarily in the Indian subcontinent.
I suppose one might be led to believe John Cheney is of Indian or Pakistani descent by my use of the code word "thug". I apologize to any of my Indian or Pakistani friends out there that might have taken offense. But my opinion stands, he's a thug.